TheSkill (java), skill names of this type of TheSkill should start with The
:hkn: :swt:
Last edited by Moti Barski on Sun Dec 27, 2020 9:31 pm; edited 2 times in total
package chobit;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public abstract class TheSkill extends DISkill {
protected RegexUtil regexUtil = new RegexUtil();
protected DISkillUtils diSkillUtil = new DISkillUtils();
protected PlayGround playGround = new PlayGround();
protected CloudianV2 cloudian = new CloudianV2();
private MCodes mCodes = null; // items
public void setmCodes(MCodes mCodes) {
this.mCodes = mCodes;
public void setFriend(Person friend) {
this.friend = friend;
public void setAbsDefCon(AbsDefconV2 absDefCon) {
this.absDefCon = absDefCon;
private SupeReplikaMap replikaMap = new SupeReplikaMap();
protected Person friend = null; // if you deal with several friends handle it in the sub class
private Boolean friendUpdatable = false;
private ArrayList<String> items = new ArrayList<String>();
private String item = "";
protected AbsDefconV2 absDefCon;
protected Algorithm outputAlg = null;
private String clsName = "*(^^%&*";
public void setItems(ArrayList<String> items) {
this.items = items;
// public TheSkill(Kokoro kokoro, AbsDefconV2 absDefCon, ArrayList<String>
// items) {
// super(kokoro);
// this.items = items;
// this.absDefCon = absDefCon;
// }
public TheSkill(Kokoro kokoro, AbsDefconV2 absDefCon, ArrayList<String> items, String clsName) {
this.items = items;
this.absDefCon = absDefCon;
this.clsName = clsName;
public void input(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
detectFriend(ear);// title refet to code for elab
// func1 :
this.outputAlg = this.absDefCon.getDefcon(ear, skin, eye);// detects and handles custom threats in the context
// of a TheSkill
inputToSoul(ear, skin, eye);// refer to methode for elab
if (outputAlg != null) {
// func2
triggeredAlgs(ear, skin, eye);
if (!isNull(outputAlg)) {
// func3
this.outputAlg = soulOutput(ear);
* answers questions related to skill items. add friend to item list to get
* friend info as well
private void triggeredAlgs(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
trgAction(ear, skin, eye);// actions triggered by input
if (!isNull(outputAlg)) {
trgExplore(ear, skin, eye);// time triggered actions should go here
if (!isNull(outputAlg)) {
trgPreserve(ear, skin, eye);// actions related to getting a friend or maintaining items helpful for the
// skill goals
// if they aren't helpful an algorithm part AP class should delete them from the
// skill so the skill is free to
// make a new friend or get a better item
public void output(Neuron noiron) {
if (!isNull(this.outputAlg)) {
this.outputAlg = null;
// after this, if there is no reference to the object,
// it will be deleted by the garbage collector
private boolean isNull(Object obj) {
return obj == null;
protected abstract void trgAction(String ear, String skin, String eye);
// sensory, souled(kokoro cls directives), predicted
protected abstract void trgExplore(String ear, String skin, String eye);
// timed
// Exploration and learning, Alg efficiancy tests and sort
protected abstract void trgPreserve(String ear, String skin, String eye);
// timed
// items and persons preservation, causes being annoyed if repeated in day
protected Algorithm makeFriend() {
return diSkillUtil.verbatimGorithm(new APVerbatim("what is your name"));
protected void friendUpdate(String ear) {
String temp = regexUtil.phoneRegex1(ear);
if (!temp.isEmpty()) {
temp = regexUtil.emailRegex(ear);
if (!temp.isEmpty()) {
temp = regexUtil.afterWord("i am ", ear);
if (temp.isEmpty()) {
temp = regexUtil.afterWord("my name is ", ear);
if (!temp.isEmpty()) {
temp = regexUtil.duplicateRegex(ear);
if (!temp.isEmpty()) {
// key stuff detection and handling
protected void detectFriend(String ear) {
if (playGround.getMinutesAsInt() % 2 == 0) {
friendUpdatable = false;
Boolean friendRequest = (ear.contains("friends") || ear.contains("my name is")) && !this.friend.getActive();
// a friend is set to false and cleared on algPart failures
if (friendRequest) {
// at this case a friend volunteers himself.
kokoro.toHeart.put("Me", "introduce");// this can be summoned in the trgPreserve in case
// no friend.
if (ear.contains(friend.getName()) || (ear.contains(friend.getJutsu())) || friendRequest)// or friend visual
friendUpdatable = true;
if (items.contains("friend")) {
this.item = "friend";
// friend patch
// the friend is active and therefore can update his info
if (friendUpdatable) {
protected String currentItem(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
for (String item : items) {
if (eye.contains(item)) {
return item;
for (String item : items) {
if (skin.contains(item)) {
return item;
for (String item : items) {
if (ear.contains(item)) {
return item;
return "";
public static String strContains(String str1, String... a) {
for (String temp : a) {
if (str1.contains(temp)) {
return temp;
return "";
public static String strContainsList(String str1, ArrayList<String> items) {
for (String temp : items) {
if (str1.contains(temp)) {
return temp;
return "";
protected void inputToSoul(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
* in the condition the bot is moving (static class compass is active) the
* skills map will record info related to items or threats pertaining to a
* specific TheSkill mainly sensory input, and a detected threat specific to the
* TheSkill and defined in it's AbsDefconVs object
String sensory = ear;
String currentDefcon = this.absDefCon.getAbsoluteDefcon(ear, skin, eye);
if (sensory.isEmpty()) {
sensory = skin;
if (sensory.isEmpty()) {
sensory = eye;
if (!item.equals("friend")) {
this.item = currentItem(ear, skin, eye);
} // friend patch
if (!this.item.isEmpty() || !currentDefcon.isEmpty()) {
this.replikaMap.input(item, currentDefcon, sensory);
this.item = "";
protected Algorithm soulOutput(String ear) // ear or time
String question = strContains(ear, "what", "describe", "where");
switch (question) {
case "where":
String tempItem = strContainsList(ear, items);// gets item in question
return diSkillUtil.verbatimGorithm(new APVerbatim(replikaMap.where(tempItem)));
if (!question.isEmpty() && ear.contains(this.clsName)) {
return diSkillUtil.verbatimGorithm(new APVerbatim(replikaMap.answer(question)));
return null;
protected Algorithm absorbedSkill(String ear, String skin, String eye, DISkill oldSkill) {
// an adapter for upgrading DISkills to TheSkills
Neuron tempNeuron = new Neuron();
oldSkill.input(ear, skin, eye);
if (!tempNeuron.algParts.isEmpty()) {
return tempNeuron.algParts.get(0);
return null;
:hkn: :swt:
Last edited by Moti Barski on Sun Dec 27, 2020 9:31 pm; edited 2 times in total