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the LivinGrimoire Artificial General Intelligence software design pattern forum

descriptionupgrades to the platform Emptyupgrades to the platform

more_horiz :


package chobit;
public abstract class AbsAlgPart {
   // one part of an algorithm, it is a basic simple action or sub goal
   public abstract String action(String ear, String skin, String eye); // return action string
   public abstract Boolean itemize(); // equip with item ?
    public abstract enumFail failure(String input); // failure type
    public abstract Boolean completed(); // has finished ?
    public abstract AbsAlgPart clone();
   public int getMutationLimit() {
       * override this to the number of mutations a mutation series can perform, so at
       * least to 1 if you want mutations enabled.
      return 0;
} :


package chobit;

public class Chi extends AbsAlgPart implements Mutatable {
    * an adaptor pattern to the alg part, it also has the kokoro consiousness
    * object to be aware throughout the program of what is happening all action
    * data goes through this soul.
   public Kokoro kokoro;
   public String ofSkill;
   public AbsAlgPart aPart;

   public Chi(chobit.Kokoro kokoro, String ofSkill, AbsAlgPart aPart) {
      this.kokoro = kokoro;
      this.ofSkill = ofSkill;
      this.aPart = aPart;

   public String actualAction(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
      return aPart.action(ear, skin, eye);
   public String action(String ear, String skin, String eye) {;
      String result = actualAction(ear, skin, eye);
      kokoro.out(completed(), failure(""));
      return result;

   public Boolean itemize() {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      return aPart.itemize();

   public enumFail failure(String input) {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      return aPart.failure(input);

   public Boolean completed() {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      return aPart.completed();

   public AbsAlgPart clone() {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      return new Chi(kokoro, this.ofSkill, aPart.clone());
   public int getMutationLimit() {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      return aPart.getMutationLimit();

   public AbsAlgPart mutation() {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      Mutatable mutant = (Mutatable) aPart;
      return new Chi(kokoro, this.ofSkill, mutant.mutation());

} :


package chobit;
//D class responsible for exploring :
// learning, mutating algorithms, requiping APs with objects or skill mods
// the sould resides here

public class DExplorer extends AbsCmdReq implements Neuronable {
    private int failureCounter = 0;
    private String prevAP = "";
    public void output(Neuron noiron) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


   public void input(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


   public void mutate(Cerabellum cera, enumFail failure) {
        String AP = cera.getEmot();
       * group relies on a naming convention each class in a mutation series must have
       * the same class name concated with a number : APMoan1, APMoan2, APMaon3 ...
      AP = AP.replaceAll("\\d+", "");
        // give up ? :
        if (prevAP.contains(AP) && !failure.toString().equals(enumFail.ok.toString())) {
         if (failureCounter > cera.getMutationLimitOfActiveAlgPart()) {
        else {
            if (!prevAP.contains(AP)) {
                failureCounter = 0;
        prevAP = AP;
        switch (failure) {
            case fail:
                Mutatable mutant = (Mutatable) cera.alg.getAlgParts().get(cera.getAt());
                cera.alg.getAlgParts().set(cera.getAt(), mutant.mutation());
      case cloudian:

and therefore also APMoan0 is modified:


package chobit;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;

public class APMoan0 extends AbsAlgPart implements Mutatable {
    protected Random rand = new Random();
    protected final int failed = 3;
    protected enumFail failure = enumFail.ok;
    protected boolean isComplete = false;
    protected ArrayList<String> interactions;
    protected ArrayList<String> moans;
    protected ArrayList<String> groans;
    protected ArrayList<String> moanList;
    protected int noInputCounter = 0;

    public APMoan0() {
        moanList = new ArrayList<>();
        interactions = new ArrayList<>();
        moans = new ArrayList<>();
        groans = new ArrayList<>();

    public AbsAlgPart mutation() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return null;

   public String action(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
      if (!ear.equals("")) {
            noInputCounter = 0;
      if (ear.contains("thank you")) {
            isComplete = true;
            return "fuck you very much";
      if (ear.equals("")) {
            if (noInputCounter > failed) {
                failure =;
        } //
      else if (interactions.contains(ear)) {
            return moans.get(rand.nextInt(moans.size()));
        return groans.get(rand.nextInt(groans.size()));

    public enumFail failure(String input) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return this.failure;

    public Boolean completed() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return isComplete;

    public AbsAlgPart clone() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return null;

   public Boolean itemize() {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      return false;

   public int getMutationLimit() {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      return 1;


descriptionupgrades to the platform EmptyRe: upgrades to the platform



package chobit;

public class Cerabellum {
    // runs an algorithm
    private int fin;
    private int at;
    private enumFail failType;
   private Boolean incrementAt = false;

   public void advanceInAlg() {
      if (incrementAt) {
         incrementAt = false;
         if (at == fin) {
            isActive = false;

    public int getAt() {
        return at;

    public Algorithm alg;
    private boolean isActive = false;
    private String emot = "";

    public String getEmot() {
        return emot;
    public boolean setAlgorithm(Algorithm algorithm) {
      if (!isActive && (algorithm.getAlgParts() != null)) {
            this.alg = algorithm;
   = 0;
            this.fin = algorithm.getSize();
            this.isActive = true;
            this.emot = alg.getAlgParts().get(at).getClass().getSimpleName(); // updated line
            return false;
        return true;

    public boolean isActive() {
        return isActive;

   public boolean setActive(Boolean b1) {
      return isActive = b1;
    public void setActive(boolean isActive) {
        this.isActive = isActive;

   public String act(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
        String axnStr = "";
        if (!isActive) {
            return axnStr;
        if (at < fin) {
         axnStr = alg.getAlgParts().get(at).action(ear, skin, eye);
            this.emot = alg.getAlgParts().get(at).getClass().getSimpleName();
            if (alg.getAlgParts().get(at).completed()) {
            incrementAt = true;
            // at++;
            // if (at == fin) {
            // isActive = false;
            // }
        return axnStr;

   public int getMutationLimitOfActiveAlgPart() {
      return alg.getAlgParts().get(at).getMutationLimit();
    public enumFail getFailType() {
        return alg.getAlgParts().get(at).failure("");
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