add text boxes to hold street, city, state and zip
Add search button
add : in the code first line
Imports System.Text
in the button click event (double click it and paste) :
search the map by latitude and longitude add theire textboxes and button in it's event paste :
Add search button
add : in the code first line
Imports System.Text
in the button click event (double click it and paste) :
Dim streetaddr As String = ""
Dim cityaddr As String = ""
Dim stateaddr As String = ""
Dim zipaddr As String = ""
Dim AddrToSearch As New StringBuilder()
' if there is street entry
If txtStreet.Text <> "" Then
streetaddr = txtStreet.Text.Replace(" ", "+")
AddrToSearch.Append(street + "," & "+")
End If
' if there is city entry
If txtCity.Text <> "" Then
cityaddr = txtCity.Text.Replace(" ", "+")
AddrToSearch.Append(city + "," & "+")
End If
' if there is state
If txtState.Text <> "" Then
stateaddr = txtState.Text.Replace(" ", "+")
AddrToSearch.Append(state + "," & "+")
End If
' if there is zip code
If txtZipCode.Text <> "" Then
zipaddr = txtZipCode.Text.ToString()
End If
' pass the AddrToSearch value to web browser control
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString(), "Problem encountered while retrieving google map")
End Try
search the map by latitude and longitude add theire textboxes and button in it's event paste :
Dim latitude As String = ""
Dim longitude As String = ""
Dim AddrToSearch As New StringBuilder()
' if there is latitude
If txtLatitude.Text <> "" Then
latitude = txtLatitude.Text
AddrToSearch.Append(latitude & "%2C")
End If
' if there is longitude
If txtLongitude .Text <> "" Then
longitude = txtLongitude .Text
End If
' pass the AddrToSearch value to web browser control
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString(), "Problem encountered while retrieving google map")
End Try