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the LivinGrimoire Artificial General Intelligence software design pattern forum

descriptionnew skill type for livingrimoire AGI software design pattern: DiSkillV2 Emptynew skill type for livingrimoire AGI software design pattern: DiSkillV2

java class DiSkillV2:

this is a faster cleaner to use new version of the old version


public class DiSkillV2 extends AbsCmdReq {
   protected Kokoro kokoro; // consciousness, shallow ref class to enable interskill communications
   protected DISkillUtils diSkillUtils = new DISkillUtils();
   protected Algorithm outAlg = null; // skills output

   public DiSkillV2(Kokoro kokoro) {
      this.kokoro = kokoro;

   public void input(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
   public final void output(Neuron noiron) {
      if (outAlg != null) {
         outAlg = null;

:NGL: :ON:

descriptionnew skill type for livingrimoire AGI software design pattern: DiSkillV2 EmptyRe: new skill type for livingrimoire AGI software design pattern: DiSkillV2

notice it also contains a class to facilitate creating algorithms which has also been updated


import java.util.ArrayList;

public class DISkillUtils {
   public Algorithm verbatimGorithm(AbsAlgPart itte) {
      // returns a simple algorithm containing 1 alg part
      String representation = "util";
      ArrayList<AbsAlgPart> algParts1 = new ArrayList<>();
      Algorithm algorithm = new Algorithm("util", representation, algParts1);
      return algorithm;

   public Algorithm verbatimGorithm(String algMarker, AbsAlgPart itte) {
      // returns a simple algorithm for saying sent parameter
      String representation = "util";
      ArrayList<AbsAlgPart> algParts1 = new ArrayList<>();
      Algorithm algorithm = new Algorithm("util", representation, algParts1);
      return algorithm;

   public Algorithm customizedVerbatimGorithm(String algMarker, AbsAlgPart itte) {
      // the most stable and advanced algorithm builder
      // returns a simple algorithm containing 1 alg part
      String representation = "r_" + algMarker;
      ArrayList<AbsAlgPart> algParts1 = new ArrayList<>();
      Algorithm algorithm = new Algorithm(algMarker, representation, algParts1);
      return algorithm;

   public Algorithm customizedVerbatimGorithm(String algMarker, AbsAlgPart... itte) {
      // the most stable and advanced algorithm builder
      // returns a simple algorithm containing 1 alg part
      String representation = "r_" + algMarker;
      ArrayList<AbsAlgPart> algParts1 = new ArrayList<>();
      for (int i = 0; i < itte.length; i++) {
      Algorithm algorithm = new Algorithm(algMarker, representation, algParts1);
      return algorithm;

   public String strContainsList(String str1, ArrayList<String> items) {
      // returns the 1st match between words in a string and values in a list.
      for (String temp : items) {
         if (str1.contains(temp)) {
            return temp;
      return "";
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