add :
btn1,btn2 3 labels listbox, textbox (chk multiline property), picture box, timer (2000 interval, enabled=true)

add class :


Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Public Class WaveIn
#Region "API"

    Private Declare Function waveInGetErrorText Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "waveInGetErrorTextA" _
        (ByVal Err As Int32, ByVal Text As String, ByVal uSize As Int32) As Int32
    Private Const MAXERRORLENGTH As Int32 = 128

    Private Declare Function waveInGetNumDevs Lib "winmm" () As Int32

    Private Declare Function waveInGetDevCaps Lib "winmm" Alias "waveInGetDevCapsA" (
            ByVal uDeviceID As Int32, ByRef WaveInCapsPointer As WAVEINCAPS,
            ByVal WaveInCapsStructSize As Int32) As Int32

    Private Declare Function waveInOpen Lib "winmm" (ByRef phwi As IntPtr, ByVal uDeviceID As Int32,
            ByRef pwfx As WAVEFORMATEX, ByVal CallBack As waveInProc, ByVal CallBackInstance As Int32,
            ByVal fdwOpen As Int32) As Int32

    Private Delegate Sub waveInProc(ByVal hwi As Int32, ByVal uMsg As UInt32, ByVal dwInstance As IntPtr,
                                    ByVal dwParam1 As IntPtr, ByVal dwParam2 As IntPtr)
    Private procWaveIn As waveInProc

    Private Declare Function waveInClose Lib "winmm" (ByVal hwi As IntPtr) As Int32

    Private Declare Function waveInStart Lib "winmm" (ByVal hwi As IntPtr) As Int32

    Private Declare Function waveInReset Lib "winmm" (ByVal WaveDeviceInputHandle As IntPtr) As IntPtr

    Private Declare Function waveInStop Lib "winmm" (ByVal WaveDeviceInputHandle As IntPtr) As IntPtr

    Private Declare Function waveInAddBuffer Lib "winmm" (ByVal InputDeviceHandle As IntPtr,
            ByVal WaveHdrPointer As IntPtr, ByVal WaveHdrStructSize As Int32) As Int32

    Private Declare Function waveInPrepareHeader Lib "winmm" (ByVal InputDeviceHandle As IntPtr,
            ByVal WaveHdrPointer As IntPtr, ByVal WaveHdrStructSize As Int32) As Int32

    Private Declare Function waveInUnprepareHeader Lib "winmm" (ByVal InputDeviceHandle As IntPtr,
            ByVal WaveHdrPointer As IntPtr, ByVal WaveHdrStructSize As Int32) As Int32

    'header eines Aufnahme Buffers:
    Private Structure WAVEHDR
        Public lpData As IntPtr
        Public dwBufferLength As Int32
        Public dwBytesRecorded As Int32
        Public dwUser As Int32
        Public dwFlags As Int32
        Public dwLoops As Int32
        Public lpNext As IntPtr
        Public Reserved As Int32
    End Structure

    Private Structure WAVEINCAPS
        Public ManufacturerID As Int16
        Public ProductID As Int16
        Public DriverVersion As Int32
        <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst:=32)> Public ProductName As Char()
        Public Formats As Int32
        Public CHANNELS As Int16
        Public Reserved As Int16
    End Structure

    Private Structure WAVEFORMATEX
        Public wFormatTag As Int16
        Public nChannels As Int16
        Public nSamplesPerSec As Int32
        Public nAvgBytesPerSec As Int32
        Public nBlockAlign As Int16
        Public wBitsPerSample As Int16
        Public cbSize As Int16
    End Structure

    Private Const CALLBACK_FUNCTION As Int32 = &H30000
    Private Const CALLBACK_WINDOW As Int32 = &H10000

    Private Const MM_WIM_CLOSE As Int32 = &H3BF
    Private Const MM_WIM_DATA As Int32 = &H3C0
    Private Const MM_WIM_OPEN As Int32 = &H3BE
    Private Const WIM_OPEN As Int32 = MM_WIM_OPEN
    Private Const WIM_DATA As Int32 = MM_WIM_DATA
    Private Const WIM_CLOSE As Int32 = MM_WIM_CLOSE

    Private Const WAVE_FORMAT_PCM As Int32 = &H1

#End Region

    Event BufferFilled(Index As Int32)
    Event Overflow()

    Public isOverflow As Boolean 'indicates loss of data due to insufficient free buffers

    Private udtRecordingFormat As WAVEFORMATEX

    Private iWriteIndex As Int32    'index of the next buffer to be filled by the device
    Private lReadIndex As Int32    'index of the filled next buffer to be read by the client
    Private cBuffers As Int32      'number of buffers
    Private cbBuffer As Int32      'size in bytes of one buffer
    Private cFullBuffers As Int32  'number of filled buffers that have not yet been processed by the client

    Private cbBufferHeader As Int32  'SizeOf(WAVEHDR)
    Private lpBufferHeaders As IntPtr 'pointer to the heap memory storing the buffer headers. Size: cBuffers * cbBufferHeader (all in one block)
    Private lpBufferData As IntPtr    'pointer to the heap memory storing the buffers. Size: cBuffers * cbBuffer (all in one block)

    Private isRecording As Boolean

    Private hOpenDevice As IntPtr 'Handle of the Audiodevice

    Private WatcherThread As Threading.Thread

    Public Sub New()
        SetFormat(44100, 16, 2)  'default
    End Sub

    ReadOnly Property Recording As Boolean
            Return isRecording
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Function GetDeviceNames() As String()
        Dim sDevices(0 To waveInGetNumDevs - 1) As String
        Dim WavCaps As New WAVEINCAPS

        For i As Int32 = 0 To sDevices.Count - 1
            waveInGetDevCaps(i, WavCaps, Marshal.SizeOf(WavCaps))
            Dim sTemp As New String(WavCaps.ProductName)
            sDevices(i) = sTemp.Substring(0, sTemp.IndexOf(Convert.ToChar(0)))
        Return sDevices
    End Function

    Public Sub SetFormat(SamplesPerSec As Int32, BitsPerSample As Int16, CHANNELS As Int16)
        With udtRecordingFormat
            .cbSize = 0
            .nChannels = CHANNELS
            .nSamplesPerSec = SamplesPerSec
            .wBitsPerSample = BitsPerSample
            .nBlockAlign = Convert.ToInt16(BitsPerSample / 8 * CHANNELS)
            .nAvgBytesPerSec = .nSamplesPerSec * .nBlockAlign
            .wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM
        End With
    End Sub

    Public Function Prepare(DeviceID As Int32, BufferCount As Int32, BufferSize As Int32) As Boolean
        'Open device and add audio buffers

        Unprepare() 'just in case

        cBuffers = BufferCount
        cbBuffer = BufferSize

        Dim dwApiResult As Int32
        procWaveIn = AddressOf MyWaveInProc
        dwApiResult = waveInOpen(hOpenDevice, DeviceID, udtRecordingFormat, procWaveIn, 0, CALLBACK_FUNCTION)

        If Not dwApiResult = 0 Then
            Throw New Exception(FormatWaveError(dwApiResult))
        End If

        'prepare buffers and pass them to the device:
        Dim udt As New WAVEHDR With {.dwBufferLength = cbBuffer, .dwFlags = 0}
        cbBufferHeader = Marshal.SizeOf(udt)
        lpBufferHeaders = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(cbBufferHeader * cBuffers)
        lpBufferData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(cbBuffer * cBuffers)

        dwApiResult = 0
        For i As Int32 = 0 To cBuffers - 1
            udt.dwUser = i            'buffer index in dwUser
            udt.lpData = lpBufferData + i * cbBuffer
            Marshal.StructureToPtr(udt, lpBufferHeaders + i * cbBufferHeader, False)
            dwApiResult = dwApiResult Or waveInPrepareHeader(hOpenDevice, lpBufferHeaders + i * cbBufferHeader, cbBufferHeader)
            dwApiResult = dwApiResult Or waveInAddBuffer(hOpenDevice, lpBufferHeaders + i * cbBufferHeader, cbBufferHeader)

        If dwApiResult <> 0 Then
            Unprepare()  'there was an issue preparing the buffers
            Throw New Exception("waveInPrepareHeader/waveInAddBuffer Error!")
        End If
        isOverflow = False
        cFullBuffers = 0
        Return (dwApiResult = 0)
    End Function

    Public Function StartRecording() As Boolean
        WatcherThread = New Threading.Thread(AddressOf Watcher)
        isRecording = (waveInStart(hOpenDevice) = 0)
        Return isRecording
    End Function

    Public Function GetData() As Byte()
        'returns a copy of the recorded data. if multiple buffers are completed,
        'it returns the entire data of all finished buffers.
        'the processed buffers are added back to the device
        Dim cFullBuffersTemp As Int32
        Dim cbUsedUpper As Int32
        Dim cbUsedLower As Int32
        Dim btData(0) As Byte

        Dim udt As WAVEHDR

        If cFullBuffers > 0 Then
            cFullBuffersTemp = cFullBuffers 'cFullBuffers may change during execution
            'sum the length of all finished buffers
            For i As Int32 = 0 To cFullBuffersTemp - 1
                udt = DirectCast(Marshal.PtrToStructure(lpBufferHeaders + (lReadIndex + i) * cbBufferHeader, GetType(WAVEHDR)), WAVEHDR)
                If lReadIndex + i < cBuffers Then
                    cbUsedUpper += udt.dwBytesRecorded
                    cbUsedLower += udt.dwBytesRecorded
                End If
            ReDim btData(cbUsedLower + cbUsedUpper - 1)

            'copy the data
            If cbUsedLower > 0 Then
                'two blocks
                Marshal.Copy(lpBufferData, btData, cbUsedUpper, cbUsedLower)
            End If
            udt = DirectCast(Marshal.PtrToStructure(lpBufferHeaders + lReadIndex * cbBufferHeader, GetType(WAVEHDR)), WAVEHDR)
            Marshal.Copy(udt.lpData, btData, 0, cbUsedUpper)

            'add buffers back to the device
            Do While cFullBuffersTemp > 0
                cFullBuffersTemp -= 1
        End If
        Return btData
    End Function

    Private Sub DoneBuffer()
        'adds the buffer iReadIndex back to the device buffer chain
        If cFullBuffers > 0 Then
            cFullBuffers -= 1
            Dim dwApiResult As Int32 = waveInAddBuffer(hOpenDevice, lpBufferHeaders + lReadIndex * cbBufferHeader, cbBufferHeader)
            If dwApiResult <> 0 Then
                Throw New Exception("WaveInDoneBuffer waveInAddBuffer Error: " & FormatWaveError(dwApiResult))
            End If

            lReadIndex += 1
            If lReadIndex = cBuffers Then
                lReadIndex = 0
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

    Public Sub StopRecording()
        If Not hOpenDevice.Equals(IntPtr.Zero) Then
            isOverflow = False
        End If
        If WatcherThread IsNot Nothing Then
            WatcherThread = Nothing
        End If
        isRecording = False
    End Sub

    Public Sub Unprepare()
        If Not hOpenDevice.Equals(IntPtr.Zero) Then
            For i As Int32 = 0 To cBuffers - 1
                waveInUnprepareHeader(hOpenDevice, lpBufferHeaders + i * cbBufferHeader, cbBufferHeader)


            If waveInClose(hOpenDevice) = 0 Then
                hOpenDevice = Nothing
                Throw New Exception("Error closing the device!")
            End If
        End If
        iWriteIndex = 0
        lReadIndex = 0
    End Sub

    Private Sub MyWaveInProc(hDevice As Int32, uMsg As UInt32, dwInstance As IntPtr, dwParam1 As IntPtr, dwParam2 As IntPtr)
        'Low Level Wave In Proc
        'MSDN: "Applications should not call any system-defined functions from inside a callback function" so keep it simple
        Select Case uMsg
            Case WIM_OPEN

            Case WIM_CLOSE

            Case WIM_DATA
                cFullBuffers += 1
                iWriteIndex += 1
                If iWriteIndex = cBuffers Then
                    iWriteIndex = 0
                End If
                If iWriteIndex = lReadIndex Then
                    isOverflow = True
                End If
        End Select
    End Sub

    Private Sub Watcher()
            If cFullBuffers > 0 Then
                RaiseEvent BufferFilled(iWriteIndex)
            End If
            If isOverflow Then
                RaiseEvent Overflow()
            End If
    End Sub

    Private Function FormatWaveError(ErrCode As Int32) As String
        Dim sTemp As New String(" "c, MAXERRORLENGTH)
        waveInGetErrorText(ErrCode, sTemp, MAXERRORLENGTH)
        Return sTemp.Substring(0, sTemp.IndexOf(Convert.ToChar(0)))
    End Function

End Class

add morse class :


Public Class morse
    Public Shared Function Code(ByVal user As String) As String
        Dim result As String = ""
        For index = 0 To user.Length - 1
            result &= charToMorse(user(index))
        Return result
    End Function
    Private Shared Function charToMorse(ByVal x As Char) As String
        Dim result As String = ""
        Select Case x
            Case "a"
                result = "*-"
            Case "b"
                result = "-***"
            Case "c"
                result = "-*-*"
            Case "d"
                result = "-**"
            Case "e"
                result = "*"
            Case "f"
                result = "**-*"
            Case "g"
                result = "--*"
            Case "h"
                result = "****"
            Case "i"
                result = "**"
            Case "j"
                result = "*---"
            Case "k"
                result = "-*-"
            Case "l"
                result = "*-**"
            Case "m"
                result = "--"
            Case "n"
                result = "-*"
            Case "o"
                result = "---"
            Case "p"
                result = "*--*"
            Case "q"
                result = "--*-"
            Case "r"
                result = "*-*"
            Case "s"
                result = "***"
            Case "t"
                result = "-"
            Case "u"
                result = "**-"
            Case "v"
                result = "***-"
            Case "w"
                result = "*--"
            Case "x"
                result = "-**-"
            Case "y"
                result = "-*--"
            Case "z"
                result = "--**"
            Case "0"
                result = "-----"
            Case "1"
                result = "*----"
            Case "2"
                result = "**---"
            Case "3"
                result = "***--"
            Case "4"
                result = "****-"
            Case "5"
                result = "*****"
            Case "6"
                result = "-****"
            Case "7"
                result = "--***"
            Case "8"
                result = "---**"
            Case "9"
                result = "----*"
            Case "."
                result = "*-*-*-"
            Case ","
                result = "--**--"
            Case "?"
                result = "**--**"
            Case " "
                result = "/"
            Case Else

        End Select
        Return result & "/"

    End Function
    Public Shared Function decoder(ByVal msg As String) As String
        Dim result As String = ""
        Dim morseChr As String = ""
        For index = 0 To msg.Length - 1
            If msg(index) <> "/" Then
                morseChr &= msg(index)
                result &= morseCharToChar(morseChr)
                morseChr = ""
            End If
        result = result.Replace("  ", " ")
        'result = result.replaceAll("  ", " ")
        Return result
    End Function
    Private Shared Function morseCharToChar(ByVal x As String) As Char
        Dim result As Char = "@"
        Select Case x
            Case "*-"
                result = "a"
            Case "-***"
                result = "b"
            Case "-*-*"
                result = "c"
            Case "-**"
                result = "d"
            Case "*"
                result = "e"
            Case "**-*"
                result = "f"
            Case "--*"
                result = "g"
            Case "****"
                result = "h"
            Case "**"
                result = "i"
            Case "*---"
                result = "j"
            Case "-*-"
                result = "k"
            Case "*-**"
                result = "l"
            Case "--"
                result = "m"
            Case "-*"
                result = "n"
            Case "---"
                result = "o"
            Case "*--*"
                result = "p"
            Case "--*-"
                result = "q"
            Case "*-*"
                result = "r"
            Case "***"
                result = "s"
            Case "-"
                result = "t"
            Case "**-"
                result = "u"
            Case "***-"
                result = "v"
            Case "*--"
                result = "w"
            Case "-**-"
                result = "x"
            Case "-*--"
                result = "y"
            Case "--**"
                result = "z"
            Case "-----"
                result = "0"
            Case "*----"
                result = "1"
            Case "**---"
                result = "2"
            Case "***--"
                result = "3"
            Case "****-"
                result = "4"
            Case "*****"
                result = "5"
            Case "-****"
                result = "6"
            Case "--***"
                result = "7"
            Case "---**"
                result = "8"
            Case "----*"
                result = "9"
            Case "*-*-*-"
                result = "."
            Case "--**--"
                result = ","
            Case "**--**"
                result = "?"
            Case "/"
                result = " "
            Case Else

        End Select
        If result = "@" Then
            result = " "
        End If
        Return result
    End Function
    Public Shared Function netLingo(ByVal str1 As String) As String
        Dim result As String = str1
        If str1.Contains("h w") Then
            Return str1.Replace("h w", "hello world")
        End If
        If str1.Contains("x o x o") Then
            Return str1.Replace("x o x o", "hugs And kisses")
        End If
        Return result

    End Function
End Class

main code :


Public Class Form1
    'needs: a listview called ListView1
    '      two buttons, one called btnStart, the other btnStop
    '      a PictureBox called PictureBox1
    Dim isVolume As Boolean = False ' is volume ?
    Dim quietCount As Integer = 0
    Dim volCount As Integer = 0
    Dim volumeLimes As Double = 0.2
    Dim charTime As Integer = 20 ' time to wait for char B4 sending word
    Dim slashCount As Integer = 0
    Dim morseLength As Integer = 0
    Private WithEvents oWaveIn As New WaveIn
    'Private oStream As IO.FileStream

    Private maxAmplitude As Int32

    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        'get the list of input devices and display in listview
        Dim s() As String = oWaveIn.GetDeviceNames()
                        End Sub)
    End Sub

    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        If ListView1.SelectedItems.Count = 0 OrElse ListView1.SelectedItems.Count > 1 Then
            MessageBox.Show("Select one Device")
            Exit Sub
        End If

        'set the desired recording format to 44.1kHz, 16Bit Stereo
        oWaveIn.SetFormat(44100, 16, 2)

        Dim iDevice As Int32 = ListView1.SelectedItems(0).Index
        oWaveIn.Prepare(iDevice, 60, 4410)    '60 x 4410 Bytes=2205 16 bit samples = 50ms @44100 * 60 = 3 seconds audio

        'oStream = New IO.FileStream("c:\kill\recording.mp3", IO.FileMode.Create)


        Button1.Enabled = False
        Button2.Enabled = True
    End Sub

    Private Sub o_BufferFull(Index As Integer) Handles oWaveIn.BufferFilled
        '                  Label1.Text = Index.ToString
        '              End Sub)
        Dim bt As Byte() = oWaveIn.GetData()
        'Dim btEncoded As Byte() = LameMp3Convert.EncodeBlock(bt, bt.Length)
        'oStream.Write(btEncoded, 0, btEncoded.Length)

        'get the max amplitude from the data
        maxAmplitude = 0
        For i As Int32 = 0 To bt.Length - 1 Step 2
            Dim val As Int16 = Convert.ToInt16(bt(i + 1)) << 8 Or bt(i)
            If Math.Abs(CInt(val)) > maxAmplitude Then
                maxAmplitude = Math.Abs(CInt(val))
            End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

        Button2.Enabled = False
        Button1.Enabled = True
    End Sub

    Private Sub oWaveIn_Overflow() Handles oWaveIn.Overflow
                      Me.BackColor = Color.Red
                  End Sub)
    End Sub

    Private Sub PictureBox1_Paint(sender As Object, e As PaintEventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Paint
        Dim db As Double = -4.5198 / (20 * Math.Log10(maxAmplitude / (Int16.MaxValue + 1)))
        db = If(Double.IsInfinity(db), 1, db)
        e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Gray, New Rectangle(0, 0, PictureBox1.Width, PictureBox1.Height))
        e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.LawnGreen, New Rectangle(0, 0, CInt(PictureBox1.Width * db), PictureBox1.Height))
        'Label1.Text = db
        isVolume = db > volumeLimes
        If isVolume Then ' listening
            quietCount = 0
            If volCount < charTime Then
                volCount += 1
            End If
        ElseIf quietCount < chartime Then ' char
            If volCount > 0 And volCount < charTime Then
                morseLabel.Text &= "*"

            ElseIf volCount >= chartime Then
                morseLabel.Text &= "-"

            End If
            volCount = 0
            slashCount = 0
        ElseIf quietCount > 1 Then ' not 0 (= word silence time)
            If slashCount < 3 Then
                morseLabel.Text &= "/"
                slashCount += 1
            End If

        End If
        If Not isVolume Then ' separate char or word ?
            quietCount += 1
        End If
        If morseLabel.Text.Length > 50 Then 'clear ear
            decodeLbl.Text = morse.decoder(morseLabel.Text)
            netLingoLbl.Text = morse.netLingo(decodeLbl.Text)
            morseLabel.Text = "" ' decode
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
        If morseLabel.Text.Length = morseLength Then
            ' if contains data add char to sentence
            If morseLabel.Text.Contains("*") Or morseLabel.Text.Contains("-") Then
                decodeLbl.Text = morse.decoder(morseLabel.Text)
                netLingoLbl.Text &= morse.netLingo(decodeLbl.Text)
            Else ' no data sentence ended
                decodeLbl.Text = ""
                TextBox1.Text &= netLingoLbl.Text
                If TextBox1.MaxLength > 50000 Then
                End If
                netLingoLbl.Text = ""
            End If
            morseLabel.Text = ""
        End If
        morseLength = morseLabel.Text.Length
    End Sub
End Class morse ear with net lingo beef up: 25qd8j