AI pharmaceuticals are LivinGrimoire skills, with shallow reference to the external environment of a livingrimoire object. naming convention: Pill_skillName
example 1 : a pill skill can change the interval duration of a tick event, which triggers the livingrimoire. example 2 : a pill skill can change input before it reaches the livingrimoire Brain or Chobit class.
AI drugs can also be made to effect specific skills, so long as the effected skills are equipped with some form of receptor code to react with the drug's special input.
here is a skill example for an AI drug called accelo, which is based on the brain acceleration drug from the anime serial experiment Lain:
when equipped with the above skill:
app.brain.logicChobit.addSkill(MatrixGUI1.Pill_Accelo(app)) # accelo
accelerates thinking by 33%. the skill has a shallow reference to the tick interval of the app(python window), housing it.
the skills turns off after 2 minutes in this example. just like a drug's effect wearing off.
example 1 : a pill skill can change the interval duration of a tick event, which triggers the livingrimoire. example 2 : a pill skill can change input before it reaches the livingrimoire Brain or Chobit class.
AI drugs can also be made to effect specific skills, so long as the effected skills are equipped with some form of receptor code to react with the drug's special input.
here is a skill example for an AI drug called accelo, which is based on the brain acceleration drug from the anime serial experiment Lain:
class Pill_Accelo(DiSkillV2):
def __init__(self, app: MatrixGUI1.App):
self.brain: Brain = app.brain MatrixGUI1.App = app
self._tg:TimeGate = TimeGate(2)
self._acceled:bool = False
self.funnel:AXFunnel = AXFunnel()
self.funnel.addK("take the acceleration pill")
self.funnel.addK("dial it in")
def input(self, ear: str, skin: str, eye: str):
if self.funnel.funnel(ear) == "accelo":
self._acceled = True = 2000 # accel tick, emp it up!
self.setSimpleAlg("emp it up")
if self._acceled:
if self._tg.isClosed():
self._acceled = False = 3000
when equipped with the above skill:
app.brain.logicChobit.addSkill(MatrixGUI1.Pill_Accelo(app)) # accelo
accelerates thinking by 33%. the skill has a shallow reference to the tick interval of the app(python window), housing it.
the skills turns off after 2 minutes in this example. just like a drug's effect wearing off.