I don't know what her actual pseudo code looks like, but this is a shout out puzzle.
the AI demands attention, she does a shout out till she gets a handshake or till she tires out.
which is why I made a shout out module:
if (trgTime.alarm()){trgTolerance.reset();}
// stop shout out
if (shoutOut.engage(ear)){trgTolerance.disable();setVerbatimAlg(4,"hello user");return;}
// shout out
if (trgTolerance.trigger()){
if (dripper.drip()){shoutOut.activate();setVerbatimAlg(4,"user");return;}
the shout out here is triggered by a time stamp, which could be modified for example to when a problem arises.
if the user replies with something like "what" it is considered a handshake, a reply to the shoutout.
a reply not registered in the shout out handshakes undoes the shout out, kind of like saying "shut up I don't care"