principles of increasing trafic to targets such as videos and posts :

1 the target should contain one subject with a low amount of tags 0 - 3

2 targets of walkthroughs are to be short while entertainment long (time or lengh wize)

3 targets are to be of high quility readable high definition

4 no commercials... I think

5 targets are like roads and views are like vehicles :

connection to high trafic roads, for example :
posts in high traffic forums, a reference on high rating shows.

connections such as links to targets that act as described in the above.

6 while being first in the field the target will have an advantage of getting views while it is first in the field, this will no longer be the case when the target becomes the standart or in other world not the only one, the same goes for servise products and respective profits.

7 letting the target brew ( collect views ) as time goes.
