SSD - solit state disk, it is used like a harddisk ( stores the operating system and files ) and it is like a disk on key
they enables quick shutdown and reboot of your computer.
they are not to be defragged.
can be installed on OS that have TRIM : Windows 7, Linux Kernel 2.6.33+, Mac OS X 10.6.6+
win xp has no native support for ssd.

ssd are connected via a sata cable to the raid controller on the motherboard.

installing windows 7 on an SSD :
if other hard disks on your computer have an os remove them from your machine on format them.
go to the bios when the computer is turned on ( usualy by pressing delete or what the first screen tells you to press )
first boot devise : cd-rom
insert win 7 disk, exit bios with saving, follow installation wizard.
after win 7 is installed go to bios :
advanced bios features, boot priority : select your ssd
first boot devece : set to ssd
the new ultrathin laptops use only SSDs.

leave 20% of the ssd's memory clear of files.
the more ram on your machine the less wear on your ssd.
