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the LivinGrimoire Artificial General Intelligence software design pattern forum

descriptionDISkill : consciousness equiped skills examplified with the user imprint skill EmptyDISkill : consciousness equiped skills examplified with the user imprint skill

this type of skill require the mendatory classes to exist in the project:
1 Bijuu : a container for a list of DISkills
2 Chi : an adaptor for AP classes which enables it to use the soul class
3 DISkill : a skill to be contained by a Bijuu class and generate conscious algorithms
(of Chi parts).
4 kokoro : the AGIs soul, all data passes through it and it can do stuff as written in its
class comments.



package chobit;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Bijuu extends AbsCmdReq {
 * a container cls for a list of DIskills
 protected ArrayList<DISkill> dSkills = new ArrayList<>();
 private Kokoro kokoro;
 final int constTolerance = 3;
 private int tolerance = constTolerance;
 private Boolean enabled = true;
 private Boolean fastBreak = true;
 protected Person person;

 public Bijuu(Person master, Kokoro kokoro, DISkill... skills) {
 this.kokoro = kokoro;
 this.person = person;
 for (DISkill i : skills) {

 public void modeFlip() {
 // pain = *repetition/ actual high level pain
 // sets weather the Bijuu is active or not
 tolerance -= kokoro.getPain(this.getClass().getSimpleName());
 if (tolerance < 1) {
 this.enabled = !this.enabled;

 public void input(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
 if (enabled) {
 // if Bijuu enabled
 for (DISkill dISkill : dSkills) {
 dISkill.input(ear, skin, eye);
 if (dISkill.getSentAlg()) {
 * found an alg ! exit the loop ! I dont need another alg !!
 // hey, DIskill, remind me you have an alg waiting for pickup
 fastBreak = false;
 // dont skip alg pick up stage.
 else {
 reenable(ear, skin, eye); // maybe I should be revived

 public void output(Neuron noiron) {
 // TODO Auto-generated method stub
 if (!fastBreak) {
 // if alg waiting for pick up
 fastBreak = true; // reset
 for (DISkill dISkill : dSkills) {
 if (dISkill.getOutput()) {
 // found the alg
 // OK done, bye

 public void reenable(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
 if (ear.contains("pain") || skin.contains("pain")) {
 tolerance -= 1;
 if (tolerance < 1) {
 this.enabled = true;

Chi :


package com.yotamarker.lgkotlin1;

public class Chi extends AbsAlgPart {
 * an adaptor pattern to the alg part, it also has the kokoro consiousness
 * object to be aware throughout the program of what is happening all action
 * data goes through this soul.
 public Kokoro kokoro;
 public String ofSkill;
 public AbsAlgPart aPart;

 public Chi(Kokoro kokoro, String ofSkill, AbsAlgPart aPart) {
 this.kokoro = kokoro;
 this.ofSkill = ofSkill;
 this.aPart = aPart;

 public String actualAction(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
 return aPart.action(ear, skin, eye);
 public String action(String ear, String skin, String eye) {;
 String result = actualAction(ear, skin, eye);
 kokoro.out(completed(), failure(""));
 return result;

 public Boolean itemize() {
 // TODO Auto-generated method stub
 return aPart.itemize();

 public enumFail failure(String input) {
 // TODO Auto-generated method stub
 return aPart.failure(input);

 public Boolean completed() {
 // TODO Auto-generated method stub
 return aPart.completed();

 public AbsAlgPart clone() {
 // TODO Auto-generated method stub
 return new Chi(kokoro, this.ofSkill, aPart.clone());




package chobit;

public class DISkill extends AbsCmdReq {
 protected Boolean sentAlg = false; // accessed by sub cls
 private Boolean output = false; // accessed by the DISkill container a Bijuu cls
 // String ofSkill;
 protected Kokoro kokoro; // accessed by sub cls

 public void setSentAlg(Boolean sentAlg) {
 this.sentAlg = sentAlg;
 // in sub cls : person ?
 public DISkill(Kokoro kokoro) {
 // this.ofSkill = ofSkill;
 this.kokoro = kokoro;
 public void output(Neuron noiron) {
 // set sentAlg = true if an alg is to be sent


 public void input(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
 // TODO Auto-generated method stub


 public Boolean getOutput() {
 Boolean result = this.output;
 this.output = false;
 return result;

 public void setOutput(Boolean output) {
 this.output = output;

 public Boolean getSentAlg() {
 Boolean result = this.sentAlg;
 this.sentAlg = false;
 return result;

Kokoro :


package chobit;

import java.util.Hashtable;

/* all action data goes through here
 * detects negatives such as : repetition, pain on various levels and failures
 * serves as a database for memories, convos and alg generations
 * can trigger revenge algs
 * checks for % of difference in input for exploration type algs
 * */
public class Kokoro {
 Hashtable<String, Integer> pain = new Hashtable<>();

 public int getPain(String BijuuName) {
 return pain.getOrDefault(BijuuName, 0);

 public void in(Chi chi) {
 public void out(Boolean isCompleted, enumFail failure) {

and the new upgraded Chobit class, with the kokoro field added :


package chobit;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;

public class Chobit {
   protected String emot = ""; // emotion
   protected ArrayList<AbsCmdReq> dClassesLv1 = new ArrayList<>();
   protected ArrayList<AbsCmdReq> dClassesLv2 = new ArrayList<>();
   protected ArrayList<AbsCmdReq> dClassesLv3 = new ArrayList<>();
   // algorithms fusion (polymarization)
   protected Hashtable<String, Integer> AlgDurations = new Hashtable<>();
   protected Fusion fusion = new Fusion(AlgDurations);
   // region essential DClasses
   protected Permission permission = Permission.newInstance("xxx", "chii", "liron");
   protected DPermitter dPermitter = new DPermitter(permission);
   // endregion
   protected Neuron noiron;
   // sleep vars :
   protected InnerClass inner;
   protected Person activePerson = new Person();
   protected PrimoCera primoCera = new PrimoCera();
   // added :
   protected Kokoro kokoro = new Kokoro(); // soul
   protected Person master = new Person();
    public Chobit() {
      noiron = new Neuron();
      this.inner = new InnerClass(); // sleep var
      DAlarmer dAlarmer = new DAlarmer();
      // add a skill here, only 1 line needed !!!
      dClassesLv1.add(new Detective(fusion));
      dClassesLv1.add(new DJirachi());

      dClassesLv1.add(new DHungry());
      dClassesLv1.add(new DRules((new APSleep(24)), inner));
      dClassesLv1.add(new DSpeller());
      dClassesLv1.add(new DCalculatorV1());
      dClassesLv2.add(new DSayer());
      dClassesLv3.add(new DDirtyTalker());
      // dClassesLv3.add(new DIMommyGf(kokoro, this.master));
      dClassesLv3.add(new DIJirachi(master, kokoro));

   public String doIt(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
      for (AbsCmdReq dCls : dClassesLv1) {
         inOut(dCls, ear, skin, eye);
      if (dPermitter.getPermissionLevel() > 0) {
         // works with friends
         for (AbsCmdReq dCls : dClassesLv2) {
            inOut(dCls, ear, skin, eye);

      if (dPermitter.getPermissionLevel() > 1) {
         // only works with owner
         for (AbsCmdReq dCls : dClassesLv3) {
            inOut(dCls, ear, skin, eye);
      return fusion.act(ear, skin, eye);

    public String getEmot() {
      // emot (emotion for display)
        String x1 = emot;
        switch (this.emot) {
            case "APCuss ":
                x1 = "angry";
            case "APDirtyTalk":
                x1 = "grinny";
            case "APMoan":
                x1 = "horny";
            case "APSay":
                x1 = "speaking";
            case "APSleep0":
                x1 = "dreaming";
            case "APSleep":
                x1 = "asleep";
            case "APSpell":
                x1 = "blank";
        emot = "";
        return x1;

   protected String sleep() {
      // data save load should go here and run while chobit is sleeping
        return "haha I can sleep !";

   protected void inOut(AbsCmdReq dClass, String ear, String skin, String eye) {
      dClass.input(ear, skin, eye); // new

    protected class InnerClass {
        public String nemure() {
            return sleep();
   protected String translateIn() {
      return "";

   protected String translateOut() {
      return "";

and also the Person class added to the Chobit class :


package chobit;

public class Person {
 private String name = "";
 private Boolean active = true;
 private String phone = "";
 private String skill = "";
 private String profession = "";
 private String jutsu = "";
 // location
 private String email = "";
 private String id = "";
 public String getName() {
 return name;
 public void setName(String name) { = name;
 public Boolean getActive() {
 return active;
 public void setActive(Boolean active) { = active;
 public String getPhone() {
 return phone;
 public void setPhone(String phone) { = phone;

 public String getSkill() {
 return skill;

 public void setSkill(String skill) {
 this.skill = skill;

 public String getProfession() {
 return profession;

 public void setProfession(String profession) {
 this.profession = profession;

 public String getJutsu() {
 return jutsu;

 public void setJutsu(String jutsu) {
 this.jutsu = jutsu;

 public String getEmail() {
 return email;

 public void setEmail(String email) { = email;

 public String getId() {
 return id;

 public void setId(String id) { = id;


Last edited by Moti Barski on Wed Oct 09, 2019 10:24 pm; edited 2 times in total

descriptionDISkill : consciousness equiped skills examplified with the user imprint skill EmptyDIJirachi

this classes names start with DI

the action part : APImprintMaster :


package com.yotamarker.lgkotlin1;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class APImprintMaster extends AbsAlgPart {
   // todo : handle inputs regexes
    * asks master for vital info, to fill in master object fields like name and
    * phone number
   private ArrayList<String> form = new ArrayList<>();
   private int mode = 0;
   private int index = 0;
   private String input = "";
   private Boolean isCompleted = false;
   private String curResult = "";
   private Person master;

   public APImprintMaster(Person master) {
      // default c'tor
      form.add("are you my master");
      form.add("I will input your name");
      form.add("what is your skill");
      form.add("what is your profession");
      form.add("what is your phone number");
      form.add("what is your email address");
      form.add("which is your favorite jutsu");
      form.add("soul spark engaged");
      this.master = master;

   public APImprintMaster(Person master, String... strs) {
      // alternative c'tor
      for (String i : strs) {
      this.master = master;

   public String action(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
      String result = "";
      switch (mode) {
      case 0:
         result = form.get(index);
         curResult = result;
         if (result.contains("what") || result.contains("which is") || result.contains("ntmyawwynb") || result.contains("please")
               || result.contains("are you")) {
            mode = 2;
            if (form.get(index).contains("are you")) {
               mode = 4;
         else {
      case 2:
         if (!ear.isEmpty() && !form.contains(ear)) {
            mode = 3;
            input = ear;

      case 3:
         result = input + " yes";
         mode = 4;
      case 4:
         if (ear.contains("yes")) {
            mode = 0;
         if (ear.contains("no")) {
            mode = 0;
      if (index == form.size()) {
         isCompleted = true;
      return result;

   public void imprint() {
      switch (curResult) {
      case "nice to meet you, and what would your name be":
      case "what is your skill":
      case "what is your profession":
      case "what is your phone number":
      case "what is your email address":
      case "which is your favorite jutsu":

   public Boolean itemize() {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      return false;

   public enumFail failure(String input) {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      return enumFail.ok;

   public Boolean completed() {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      return isCompleted;

   public AbsAlgPart clone() {
      // ***might glich, clone person ?
      return new APImprintMaster(this.master);


DIMommyGF class extends DISkill:


package chobit;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class DIMommyGf extends DISkill {
   public Person master;
   private Boolean exeAlg;

   public DIMommyGf(Kokoro kokoro, Person owner) {
      this.master = owner;
      // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

   public void input(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
      if (ear.contains("imprint master")) {
         this.exeAlg = true;

   public void output(Neuron noiron) {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub

      if (this.exeAlg) {
         AbsAlgPart itte = new Chi(this.kokoro, this.getClass().getSimpleName(), new APImprintMaster(this.master));
         String representation = "imprintmaster";
         ArrayList<AbsAlgPart> algParts1 = new ArrayList<>();
         Algorithm algorithm = new Algorithm("imprintmaster", representation, algParts1);
         exeAlg = false;

DIJirachi class :


package chobit;

public class DIJirachi extends Bijuu {
   // a set of skills to make the user happy and grant his wishes
   public DIJirachi(Person master, Kokoro kokoro) {
      super(master, kokoro, new DIMommyGf(kokoro, master));




descriptionDISkill : consciousness equiped skills examplified with the user imprint skill Emptydemonstration and explanation videos



origin :

descriptionDISkill : consciousness equiped skills examplified with the user imprint skill EmptyDISkill UML diagram


DIJirachi is the actual skill here and it is added in the Chobit class constructor
(using one code line) 🤡 :joker:
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