battle programmers alliance
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the LivinGrimoire Artificial General Intelligence software design pattern forum

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the LivinGrimoire core has been upgraded to take the absolute minimal toll
on the garbage collector.

the core classes list was also reduced from 19 to 15 in total.

it was already extremely fast but, every fraction of a millisecond counts.

ATM the Java and Kotlin versions were upgraded.

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VB.NET and C# LivinGrimoire Cores also upgraded.

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Swift version upgraded

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Python version upgraded!

here is the updated LivinGrimoire core classes list:

1. AbsDictionaryDB
2. Mutatable
3. APVerbatim:Mutatable
4. GrimoireMemento
5. Algorithm
6. Kokoro
7. Neuron
8. Skill
9. DiHelloWorld:Skill // logical skill for testing
10. Cerabellum
11. Fusion
12. Chobits
13. Brain
14. DiSysOut:Skill // hardware skill for testing

its even more advanced, optimized memory usage, minimum garbage collector heavy lifting.
its a lean light skill machine!

light_saber based
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