laptop side Python code:


import serial
import time

# Replace 'COM3' with the appropriate port for your system
ser = serial.Serial('COM3', 9600)
time.sleep(2)  # Wait for the serial connection to initialize

def send_servo_command(servo_index, servo_position):
    command = f"{servo_index} {servo_position}\n"
    print(f"Sent command: {command.strip()}")

# Example usage
send_servo_command(0, 90)  # Move servo 0 to 90 degrees
send_servo_command(1, 45)  # Move servo 1 to 45 degrees

servo skill .h code (you don't need to understand this code just add it to the Arduino program)


#ifndef DiServos_H
#define DiServos_H
// using Arduino hardware codes outside main:
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Servo.h>
#include "LivinGrimoireLight.h"

// example hello world by blinking default Led #13 once
class DiServos : public Skill {
   const int numServos = 8; // Number of servos
        Servo servos[numServos]; // Array of servo objects
   int servoPins[numServos] = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}; // Pins to which servos are connected
    virtual void inOut(byte ear, byte skin, byte eye);

servo skill .c++ code (you don't need to understand this code just add it to the Arduino program)


#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Servo.h>
#include "DiServos.h"
#include "LivinGrimoireLight.h"

  Serial.begin(9600); // Start serial communication at 9600 baud
  for (int i = 0; i < numServos; i++) {
    servos[i].attach(servoPins[i]); // Attach each servo to its pin
void DiServos::inOut(byte ear, byte skin, byte eye)
   // loop logic
  static int servoIndex = -1; // Static variable to keep track of the servo index
  if (Serial.available() > 0) {
    int value = Serial.parseInt(); // Read the next integer from the serial buffer
    if (servoIndex == -1) {
      // If servoIndex is -1, this value is the servo index
      servoIndex = value;
    } else {
      // Otherwise, this value is the servo position
      int servoPosition = value;
      if (servoIndex >= 0 && servoIndex < numServos) {
        servos[servoIndex].write(servoPosition); // Move the specified servo to the position
        Serial.print("Servo ");
        Serial.print(" moved to ");
      servoIndex = -1; // Reset servoIndex for the next command

also add the LivinGrimoireLight .h and .c++ files to the Arduino program:

and finally here is an example of using DiServo skill in the main Arduino program:


#include "DiServos.h"
#include "LivinGrimoireLight.h"

Chobit* c1;

void setup() {
    Skill* s2 = new DiServos(); // servo skill created
    c1 = new Chobit();

void loop() {
    c1->think(0, 0, 0);